HIMSS Analytics' Hospital Information Systems Market Profiles
The Hospital Information Systems (HIS) Market Profiles are the most in-depth, and authoritative sources of data on the state of healthcare IT in hospitals on a country by country basis.
These reports present aggregated views of HIS from the functional perspective of each country's hospitals. The data presented in these reports is based on solid and reliable healthcare providers' data from the HIMSS Analytics Database - the most comprehensive, continuously updated and contextualized market intelligence in the Hospital Information Technology market.
All data is discussed in the context of actual market potential, functional healthcare providers' needs and budget availability. Each report represents the most up to date information available and is updated on an annual basis. Countries available: Australia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi & Dubai
Contact Ms. Tina Hashim at +65 6664 1185 or email her at to order the reports.